F*ckerlodeon !!!!
Today in the mornning,Kalang kabut cari bag,at last pakai bag Nafa-_-
Reach school have english paper,Then i was very hungry and cant wait for recess^^
Recess time,qeuee dah la panjang ade orang cut qeuee..Bingit!!
Terus pergi noodle stall.
I would rather wait long den seeing people cutting my qeuee!!M*F.!!
Dah beli noodle,nak beli air,this boy pulak cut qeuee i stared at him and he smile and went to the back.
Then tenga beli air org campak ais terkene kepale:(
I turned look at the boy that was throwing the ais,ape lagi aku sound la.
Pas tu nak duduk makan,again another boi pulak ask me to move in padehal boleh masuk tak nk.
Then really pissed me off is when after paper two was collected,another boy throw a dead lizard to my table!
Macam nk sepak je dah la hall tu panas!Tak le concentrate sak uat.
Cikgu pun SSSSSSS tk tau on kipas!!!!